Precast Utility Tunnels
Many colleges and universities trust Advance Concrete Products Co. to produce high quality precast concrete tunnel for their vast underground steam networks. The tunnels shown on the left are stocked for Michigan State University, measuring 5' wide x 3'-6" tall inside, and include hot-dipped galvanized steel weld plates cast-in during production for pipe support attachment. Even before the contractors have moved on site to excavate, we are manufacturing standard and custom precast concrete tunnel sections. When they call for delivery, Advance Concrete is ready!

Advance Concrete Products offers precast concrete tunnel systems for use in a wide variety of situations including:
- Steam Tunnel
- Pedestrian Tunnel
- Retention Chamber
- Utility, Electric, and Communication Tunnel
- Culvert and Drain
- Creek Overpass
- Trench Drain
- Conveyer Tunnel / Enclosure (shown above)

We have many different size options ranging from 2’-6” wide all the way up to 36’ wide. If you are looking for a precast concrete tunnel with future access for equipment troubleshooting or maintenance, we manufacture a “U” shaped tunnel with a keyed precast concrete roof. The roof slabs can be delivered later than the monolithically poured walls and floor, allowing you to install large steam lines or heavy duty hardware as your jobsite conditions allow. Some customers prefer the precast concrete floor to be cast separately, with a monolithic, inverted style, top section to be set in our keyways. Either way, Advance Concrete Products will build your precast concrete tunnel to your specifications.

The precast concrete steam tunnels shown on the right are being installed under a busy street near the state’s capitol, for the Board of Water and Light, and are reinforced using composite rebar. The engineers were thinking ahead when they needed to replace deteriorating tunnels in the high traffic area due to extreme temperature steam escaping from insulated pipes. They teamed up with Advance Concrete Products to design a concrete mix and non-metallic rebar design for direct, constant AASHTO H-20 loading.

An additional pipe needed to be installed in a separate concrete tunnel system to replace the aging steam line feeding the GM plant since the 1940’s. Power could not be interrupted. Installation would occur in Michigan winter weather, where cast-in-place concrete could not be poured and cured due to sub-zero temperatures. Again, pre-cast concrete, composite rebar reinforced tunnels from Advance Concrete Products were the answer. We want to provide you with the same high quality, custom concrete structures and personal service.
Hot-dipped, galvanized steel embedded weld plates can be cast in the walls, roof, and floor for your support and guide system. Openings can be cast in walls during production for flow-through. 45° and 90° turns are ordered regularly. We carry both cast iron frames and covers and aluminum hatches for roof access. Your heavy duty tunnel will be manufactured to meet your jobsite loading conditions, from pedestrian to aircraft requirements, whether standard rebar reinforcement or composite, non-metallic rebar.
The following groups commonly specify or purchase ACP tunnels for their applications:
- Universities
- Hospitals
- Prisons
- Manufacturing Plants
- Automotive Facilities
- Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Air Force Bases or Military Establishments
Sample Drawings
It really pays off to test fit culverts and tunnels.
I want your ADSPAN culvert sections on all my jobs. I will tell my office. They fit together so much better than the last culvert job I installed from another producer. It really pays off to test fit them in the yard as you do.
Bill S., Qualified DOT General Contracting